Saturday, April 4, 2020

Face Mask Pattern

Like many people, I have been making a lot of face masks lately.  My employer is thankfully not running short on PPE...yet...but in the interests of conserving our supply, they've decided that we can wear our own handmade masks.

I started off with the pattern my boss suggested, created by Sweet Red Poppy -

This is a great pattern, as it allows us to put a surgical mask inside, so we know we're getting at least as much protection as a surgical mask.  The problem with this setup is that it's hot, especially when wearing it for an extended period of time, and it doesn't fit everyone all that well.

So I went in search of another option.  Another healthcare system had put out this pattern, called the Olson Mask.

I liked the filter pocket on this pattern, and the fold-over sides make attaching the elastic super easy.  But this one didn't come down on my chin as much as I would like.

So I tried another pattern by Sweet Red Poppy, a similar fitted design but without a pocket.

This one fits great!  But I want a pocket so I can add an additional filter.  So I came up with a hybrid of the Sweet Red Poppy fitted mask and the Olson Mask.  Full credit to those two patterns - none of this is my original idea at all.

Click Here for Pattern!

You can follow the instructions for the Olson Mask to make this pattern - if I get ambitious I may take my own pictures and write out instructions.

After a couple of weeks of testing, I love this pattern!