Saturday, April 4, 2020

Face Mask Pattern

Like many people, I have been making a lot of face masks lately.  My employer is thankfully not running short on PPE...yet...but in the interests of conserving our supply, they've decided that we can wear our own handmade masks.

I started off with the pattern my boss suggested, created by Sweet Red Poppy -

This is a great pattern, as it allows us to put a surgical mask inside, so we know we're getting at least as much protection as a surgical mask.  The problem with this setup is that it's hot, especially when wearing it for an extended period of time, and it doesn't fit everyone all that well.

So I went in search of another option.  Another healthcare system had put out this pattern, called the Olson Mask.

I liked the filter pocket on this pattern, and the fold-over sides make attaching the elastic super easy.  But this one didn't come down on my chin as much as I would like.

So I tried another pattern by Sweet Red Poppy, a similar fitted design but without a pocket.

This one fits great!  But I want a pocket so I can add an additional filter.  So I came up with a hybrid of the Sweet Red Poppy fitted mask and the Olson Mask.  Full credit to those two patterns - none of this is my original idea at all.

Click Here for Pattern!

You can follow the instructions for the Olson Mask to make this pattern - if I get ambitious I may take my own pictures and write out instructions.

After a couple of weeks of testing, I love this pattern!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

If I hang it, spring will come! (Right?)

The calendar says spring, even if the weather doesn't, and that means it's time for a new wreath!  I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick and tired of dreary grey blah.  Nothing like some bright, colorful flowers to liven things up!

I didn't really think about posting instructions for this until some friends loved it and asked for the instructions, so I don't have any nifty step-by-step pictures or anything like that.  But it was crazy simple, so it shouldn't be too hard!

Wreath form (I used a straw form, but foam would be fine too)
Two rolls of burlap ribbon (one may be enough if you don't alternate patterns/colors)
Felt in multiple colors - I bought 12 pieces but didn't use anywhere near all of them
Straight pins
Hot glue gun
Needle and thread
Yarn/ribbon/something to hang it with

OK.  First things first, wrap the burlap around your wreath form, and secure with straight pins.  I wrapped the white first, leaving a gap between rounds, then went over the gaps with the black.  

Next, the flowers.  I used a couple of different tutorials that I found on Pinterest - if you don't like the styles I chose, there are plenty of other tutorials out there!  Here are links to the ones I used: 

The blue/yellow flowers were just circles glued together, and I cut out the leaves freehand.  

I attached the flowers to the wreath form with straight pins - I prefer this over gluing them, in case I ever want to reuse the base wreath with different embellishments.  Plus, I find that hot glue doesn't hold up as well with temperature changes.

All that's left is attaching a hanger!  I used yarn looped a few times and knotted, then pinned to the back of the wreath.

Hope you enjoy this little peek of springtime!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bird's Nest Necklace

I've seen a bunch of these necklaces on Pinterest lately, and when my friend Shelley posted a few that she'd made for some mutual friends, I decided that I wanted to try making my own.  I followed two different tutorials - Lisa's Craft Blog and Beadaholique.  I added a swallow charm that I bought at Hobby Lobby - I think it adds a nice touch.  :)

Super easy and quick to make - I think it took me 10 minutes to make.  I spent around $15 on supplies, including a 3-in-1 jewelry tool, and there is enough wire and beads to make 16ish pendants.  So fairly cheap, too!  

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Christmas Wreath 2012!

I actually came up with a wreath all on my very own, with no help from Pinterest. Cue the shock. LOL

 This was ridiculously simple to make - 12" styrofoam wreath form, pair of over-the-knee socks from Target, "holiday picks" from Target, birds and letter ornaments from Target. (I love Target. Who doesn't?) You'll also need extra long straight pins and a bit of ribbon.

 The wreath form I bought had already split at the seam, but if yours isn't, you'll need to cut it at the seam. Put the socks on the form. If your wreath is like mine, the ends won't meet up - I used extra long straight pins to hold the two ends together. Then I pinned the socks to the form at the top. These particular socks have a fold and pretty buttons at the top - if yours don't, you'll probably want to fold them under to make the edges look nicer.

 Then just arrange the ornaments/picks however you want, and pin them in place! Easy peasy! Cut a small length of ribbon, make a loop, and pin it at the top (I used 4 pins) and you're done!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Welcome to my new blog!

Hello blog land! I decided that the fruits of my Pinterest addiction need a home, and a place that I can pin my projects from to show them off! So welcome to The Domestication of Laciebug! I've got a lot of catching up to do with the projects I've done so far, and lots more in the works!