Tuesday, March 25, 2014

If I hang it, spring will come! (Right?)

The calendar says spring, even if the weather doesn't, and that means it's time for a new wreath!  I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick and tired of dreary grey blah.  Nothing like some bright, colorful flowers to liven things up!

I didn't really think about posting instructions for this until some friends loved it and asked for the instructions, so I don't have any nifty step-by-step pictures or anything like that.  But it was crazy simple, so it shouldn't be too hard!

Wreath form (I used a straw form, but foam would be fine too)
Two rolls of burlap ribbon (one may be enough if you don't alternate patterns/colors)
Felt in multiple colors - I bought 12 pieces but didn't use anywhere near all of them
Straight pins
Hot glue gun
Needle and thread
Yarn/ribbon/something to hang it with

OK.  First things first, wrap the burlap around your wreath form, and secure with straight pins.  I wrapped the white first, leaving a gap between rounds, then went over the gaps with the black.  

Next, the flowers.  I used a couple of different tutorials that I found on Pinterest - if you don't like the styles I chose, there are plenty of other tutorials out there!  Here are links to the ones I used: 

The blue/yellow flowers were just circles glued together, and I cut out the leaves freehand.  

I attached the flowers to the wreath form with straight pins - I prefer this over gluing them, in case I ever want to reuse the base wreath with different embellishments.  Plus, I find that hot glue doesn't hold up as well with temperature changes.

All that's left is attaching a hanger!  I used yarn looped a few times and knotted, then pinned to the back of the wreath.

Hope you enjoy this little peek of springtime!

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